The Death of Democracy



The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter


. Winston Churchill



I am growing more and more disillusioned with democracy. Whilst I applaud the notion the way that it is being used is being more and more, in my opinion, corrupted.


To me democracy, solely in terms of politics, is about electing the person whom one believes will offer the country the most. Once the person is elected they then start to work for the betterment of the country, not always popular, however, any danger of overstepping boundaries is hindered by the respective political bodies (i.e. congress, parliament et al). However, nowadays it seems that the system has become corrupted.


Here you may expect a measured rant about democracy being done away with, but you may be surprised to know that I think the over use of democracy is killing democracy.


What do I mean? Well, just look at the current state of British politics.


The absurd notion that we the people who cannot begin to understand the complexities of global trade, scientific discovery, economics and so forth are able to make an objective, reasoned decision as to the state of Europe is preposterous.


Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.


Franklin D. Roosevelt


Did the people of Britain really want a referendum? Given the apathy during the lead up I would suggest not. So why was there one? Weak leadership desperate to appease their party and the voters, but hey ‘we are all in it together’.


With such a disastrous piece of leadership did the governing body leap in to save the day? Nope, they were too busy pulling themselves apart, each strand another level of their integrity severed. But it is ok because for a small fee the public could choose the leader of the party! Huzzah for Democracy! Given how the people in the party know each other intimately and we the people (oh sweet irony) see them on TV and on the news, it stands to reason that we should be the ones to choose the one who we personally know to have what it takes to save the UK! How right we have been proven thus far!


Whilst the words of JFK still echo in the ears of those not even born at the time “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, John Adams mutters in the ears of us who stand, aghast, watching the thing we love, democracy, die in self-righteous convulsions


Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.


John Adams





‘till next time!


I can be reached any time for your questions and comments at



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