Love Is All There Is



In the Gospel of St John, it is written ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Herein lies the central premise of Christianity- sacrifice and salvation, both only possible through love.


However, love is often scorned and, even ignored.


‘Isn’t it awful, Eryximachus, that hymns and paeans have been made by the poets for other gods, but for Eros, who is so great and important a god, not one of the many poets there have been has ever made even a eulogy? And if you want, consider, in their turn, the good Sophists, they write up in prose praises of Heracles and others, as the excellent Prodicus does. Though you need not wonder at this, for I have even come across a volume of a wise man in which salt got a marvellous puff for its usefulness, and you might find many other things of the kind with eulogies. So they employ much zeal in things like that, yet to this day not one human being has dared to hymn Eros in a worthy manner; but so great a god lies in neglect (Plato)


It seems in a world so full of hatred and fear that people would be turning to love for comfort and salvation, yet there seems to be a conflict between human nature and love for to love is to be seen to be weak, ignoring the fact that to truly love and to be loved is the most courageous thing one can do with one’s life and, with all truly great things, although they are everywhere one must seek to find (seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive)



This is a promise with a catch

Only if you’re looking can it find you

‘Cause true love is searching too

But how can it recognize you

Unless you step out into the light


(Daniel Johnston)


One might argue that the truest form of love is dedication to another’s wellbeing. However, as with many relationships, marriage is not only scorned but entered into for the wrong reasons


‘Niles: I resent that! I did not marry Maris for the money. It was just a delightful bonus.’

The search for God is the search for truth and both God and truth find their purest forms in love. It can be suggested that the work of the great novelists, poets, philosophers, scientists and so forth is simply the search for the higher truth, that of love. It is often said that one does not know what one has until it is gone, Proust said ‘the only paradise is paradise lost’ however, this does not need to be true, this does not need to apply to love- cherish those whom you love and live a life in service to others. Be humble and ye shalt be blessed, but just remember, dear reader


Well, I see you got a new boyfriend

You know, I never seen him before

Well, I saw him

Makin’ love to you

You forgot to close the garage door

You might think he loves you for your money…



But I know what he really loves you for…



It’s your brand new leopard-skin pill-box hat   





‘till next time

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