For The Love Of Literature!



Listening to Dylan’s excellent Nobel Prize lecture got me thinking about literature. Dylan’s lecture explores the influence of three novels on his life ‘Moby Dick, All Quiet On The Western Front and The Odyssey’. The most remarkable aspect of the lecture is that Dylan takes you inside of the novels and makes you feel that it is he that experiencing such things (as is the listener). After all ,is that not the purpose of art? To let you experience other worlds and in the same time learn about you and yours?


When I was a child I read all of the adventure books (the Magic Key series, Fuzzbuzz, the Famous Five and so forth) as these took me to other worlds, however, I did not love the books the same way that I loved books such as Collin Dann’s Fox Cub Bold (as I’ve written about previously) and Nina Bawden’s The Finding. These two books showed a part of me that could not be shown by other literature. Whether one can call it a profound and intense loneliness, I don’t know. Anyway, everyone is lonely, it is the human condition to be lonely and if everyone ceased to be lonely then civilisation as we know it would collapse for it is clearly built upon male inferiority complexes and loneliness.


As one grows so does one’s reading. I went through the usual passages as any child- Stephen King, Lord of the Rings, Point Horror, Goosebumps (reader beware, you’re in for a scare!) and so forth but it was poetry that cast its ineffable enthral spell over me. When I was ten I saw The Simpsons’ take of Poe’s The Raven. I did not know that it was Poe until many years later but the power and majesty of The Raven inhabited my soul, burrowed into my mind and many years later I cannot remove myself from its grasp, to quote Poe


    And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

    And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,

    And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor

            Shall be lifted—nevermore!


And every time I reread it I discover some new depths to it. I even committed the sin of rewriting it, but from the perspective of the raven. Is it really some monster or is it just some lost bird seeking shelter from the storm?


The next novel to change my life happened because it showed me more of me than I knew, and would take many years to understand what it meant. The Idiot by Dostoyevsky tells the tale of a young man whom everyone calls an idiot trying to survive within the social world, a world which does not allow individuality. Young Myshkin, unaware of conventions, throws himself at the feet of the girl whom he loves and does lots of other unsocially acceptable things, things born of a naïve innocence and purity. However, for all of their disparaging remarks those around both love and long to be loved by the one they call an idiot, yet they cannot admit this, not even to themselves.


Here is the power of literature, it takes you into a world that reveals the world in which you live. As Picasso said ‘art is the lie that makes us realise the truth’ and as Wittgenstein wrote ‘the human body is the best picture of the human soul’, so go, and pick up a book and maybe, just maybe, you’ll discover your inner world within the pages.



‘till next time


I can be reached any time at



It’s Supposed To Be Funny?


‘As a kid going to the circus there would be 12 full grown people piling out of a little car, their faces would be dead white, their mouths red as though they were full of blood, they were all screaming, their eyes were huge, what was there not to like? Kids are all terrified of them and the parents are like ‘aren’t they funny, Johnny?’ said Stephen King, author of IT, in an interview in 2005.

King’s novel, and subsequent film, highlighted the fear that many children have of clowns (I, myself included, have been told a story of myself as a child and a clown which is strangely repressed) and yet, for some bizarre reason, adults think that children like clowns and find them funny. Maybe it is as King wrote ‘Eddie discovered one of his childhood’s great truths. Grownups are the real monsters’.


Watching the coverage of the recent NATO summit and watching Trump’s (terrifyingly ignorant) speech (I won’t ask how much it cost to write) I was drawn to audience, the leaders of Europe, trying hard not to laugh in the face of the So-Called Leader of the Free World, whilst the leader of the Free World managed best to keep a straight face (Ms Merkel). The new French president Macron seemed to be like a child on a school trip, trying to break the hand of a wannabe alpha male, smirking during a presentation at the comments of his buddy, the Prime Minister of Luxemburg (Xavier Bettel), and then parodying catchphrases (make the world great again). However, it would be harsh to send Macron to the principle’s (Ms Merkel) office for Macron is doing something many children wish they could do, he is standing up to a clown, he is saying, you are funny but not in the way you think…


The membrane skinned Trump responded in true Statesman fashion by asking ‘At what point does America get demeaned? At what point do they start laughing at us as a country? … We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us any more. And they won’t be. They won’t be.’ Ignoring the latest veiled threat, Trump gives the impression of the person who doesn’t get the person they want for the Prom and then says ‘didn’t want them anyway…’. Sure, he gives lots of material to late night comedy shows and sure some of the stuff that comes from his White House is funny but not the funny the adults think it is. It is the funny that children know that clowns are not. Clowns with their wide smiles and tear stained cheeks, clowns that give children nightmares. Maybe, as the song goes ‘It’s funny to everyone but me’ but there is at least one person who would agree with me


We need a President who isn’t a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect! @realDonaldTrump  12:30 AM – 9 Aug 2014



Send in the clowns…o wait…


‘till next time



‘Republicans’ are currently trying to pass two key pieces of legislation. 1) increase spending on military and 2) repeal the Affordable Care Act. The most obvious question raised by this is, why does the US government hate Americans so much that they want more to die? The same people who scream bloody murder (pun intended) when a raped woman has an abortion (good news though guys, under the new proposed legislation rape is considered a pre-existing condition and ergo not eligible for health insurance!) now want to send more Americans away to die either from bullets or not being able to afford simple medication.


It’s easy to blame The Enabler, but not even Trump would (I write sarcastically) approve the treatment of Congressman Al Green. Mr Green, an African American gentleman (this should not be pertinent information), was the first congressman to call for impeachment of Trump. Mr Green then received some voice mails which he then played at the next town hall meeting. The messages said, to paraphrase (you can watch them on YouTube) ‘You stupid n*****, you will soon be hanging from a tree’. Whether it was Mike Pence or Steve Bannon or, maybe, the nastiest of them all Kushy, calling I cannot say but the Jew hating, woman hating, homosexual hating (just how insecure can one person be?) Vice President is emblematic of the problem. However, even the liberal media, who were ‘disgusted’ by some bad art showing what one can see at the London dungeons (CNN- incidentally the This Is CNN… introduction is done by James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader), fell into the bias bias and when interviewing Mr Green tried to find two sides to the story. Yeah, Mr Green must have had it coming…the audacity to believe in democracy, standards and being born black!


Yet, here is the question- how is the administration getting away with it? I was rewatching the pretty bad film The Eagle. The Eagle is about a young Roman commander going to Scotland to refind the eagle of the 9th to restore his family honour. In the way of our young hero is a bunch of barbarians who keep killing Romans…savages….wait a second, these are just people trying to defend their country from an invading force so why do I feel that I have to side with the invading force? This is how Trumps away with it, this is how One China survives, this is how the American Terrorists (aka the Tea Party) are able to exist and thrive. Life is not romantic it is real and these events, these stories, are real. As the Wilde man Oscar said people ‘know the price of everything and the value of nothing’ (in case you’re wondering the cost is death and the value is life), so come on now kids and

you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears

Bury the rag deep in your face

For now’s the time for your tears




But don’t worry for ‘Brutus is an honourable man; So are they all, all honourable men’


Welcome to the United $tates of Death


‘till next time