Just Turn Off The Cameras!



Last week, this week, one cannot help to have watched, with horror, the events unfurling in Charlottesville. Your standard Neo-Nazi rally ending with a death (accidental or not) followed by Trump’s failure to condemn Neo-Nazi’s and the far-right.


No one wants to see Neo-Nazis marching through the streets chanting anti-Semitic nonsense and no one wants to see violence, but, luckily, the solution to that problem is simple. If people apply for a permit to march, fine, let them. Inform the local residents before hand and advise that people should avoid it, or stay inside as some idiots are going to be marching and saying nonsense. And as for the media coverage, just turn off the cameras. The question is what do they want to achieve by their marching? The answer is, simply, opposition and attention. So why not just deprive them off both? And if there is going to be violence then leave it to the police to deal with for, there cannot be two sides to that story.


The other two scape goats being used at the moment are, a) Trump who refused to condemn the behaviour and said that there are ‘fine people on both sides’. Maybe he is right? For who but God can see into the hearts of man and see who he truly is. Trump’s biggest sin (in this instance) is in enabling these groups to grow in prominence and that cannot be denied, and the second scapegoat is b) some statues of some dead historical figures.

The debate about the statues within this context is as pointless as it is stupid. The issue is not about some dead generals who tried to overthrow the government (I noticed that Occupy Wall Street had no qualms with such things when they wore Guy Fawkes masks) and it is not about slavery yet the conversation has been hijacked by white people who think that violence is the key to peace (Antifa should be condemn of both sides) and it has been hijacked by African Americans who think that people marching is about them (try watching the hysteria on CNN).


It clearly isn’t. The fascist were not chanting ‘We Love Bob Lee!’ or ‘Black People Should Be Slaves!’ they were chanting ‘Jews Will Not Replace Us’. The Jews. The one people I have not heard represented in the debate. Why Jews? Well, the unfounded stereotype is that the Jews have all of the gold. Yes, due to not being able to own land or businesses’ and a loophole in the Bible/Torah meant that Jewish people had to, by necessity, become money lenders and were then condemned for performing an essential act which the Christian thought was beneath them.

This all stems from economics. The Jim Crow laws were brought in during a global depression as poor white people, those who are often ignored (there are over 30 million white children living in poverty in the US today) for vogue topics such as slavery yet it is this poverty which gives life to hatred, despair and ignorance. This is the reason why hate groups can find supporters because if you have nothing then you a) need a scape goat, b) desire unity and c) have nothing better to do. The irony of these being the very people the Republicans want to hurt with their repeal of ‘Obamacare’. This is the concerning part of this and I do not have the space here to go into it! (I suggest you go and read up on American and German History and economics if you are interested and if you live in the US write to your representative!).


Throughout it all two groups have not been heard. A) The Jewish people, presumably as they have been discriminated against so much through history (for at least 4000 years) that they have managed to form a more objective perspective on the issue and B) the Native Americans who were ‘replaced’ by white Europeans and by black people (the whites, ironically not going to America out of choice but to flee persecution).


As you can see this is a far too complex issue to discuss properly here but what I would like you to take away from this is that:

This is not a white issue and this is not a black issue, it is about human decency and



‘till next time