O, Savannah



I have a new hero. A 12 year old Mormon girl named Savannah.


On the first Sunday of each month members of the Mormon Church can stand up and unload upon those sat around looking bored and thinking about painting the fence.

The 12 year old girl, having just come out to her parents ‘‘…had a feeling like I should come out to the church,’ Savannah said shyly. ‘I came out to all of my family and I just wanted to do something more.’’ And ‘I want to be a voice for those that might be positive, I want them to know that I’m an ally. That they’re safe with me. I want them to know that it’s OK to be Mormon and be gay.’


So on the first Sunday in June, Savannah stood in front of the congregation and said:


‘God loves me just this way, because he loves all his creations, I do believe he made me this way on purpose…I hope to find a partner and have a great job. I hope to get married and have a family…I know these dreams and wishes are good and right. I know I can have all of these things as a lesbian and be happy.’


She went on to say that there is nothing wrong with her or her parents and just as she was asking the church to stand behind her and support her the mic cut out. The confused girl was then told by the priest to return to her seat as the microphone miraculously came back on. Savannah, shaken, went back to her seat put her face in her mother’s lap and wept.


The one good outcome was that it was being filmed by friends of the family who then put the video onto social media (try Youtube). The Mormon Church (namely local Bishop Judd Law) was quick to react to the situation by saying that the recorded video was unauthorized and that a ‘group of visitors jubilantly left the service. … everyone is welcome and understands the standards of decorum and behaviour if they decide to participate. It is unfortunate that this group of adults chose to violate them.’ And that the video was being exploited for ‘political purposes.’


Mr Law, I say to you, shame on you! Shame on you, Sir! If the church had have the bravery of a 12 year old girl then the church could be a force for good in the world. Not only are you massacring the innocent but you are also violating the teachings of Jesus Christ. He said let the children come onto me, he said feed the hungry and heal the sick, not depending on sexuality or insurance. Jesus taught compassion and acceptance. You, Sir, are the worst type of hypocrite.


Too often too many people hide behind empty sentiments and doctrines to protect their intolerances. Too often we sit in silence and take in on the chin. But not today and not Savannah, the 12 year old girl.


Savannah, I take my hat off to you and hope that you find the job you want and the love you deserve. You are truly a remarkable girl and if anyone has any issue with this then I can’t wait to hear from you




After all what have I to fear when a 12 year old girl has shown that bravery is not always rewarded but is all so inspiring after all the Lord moves in mysterious ways.



‘till next time!


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