The Children’s Crusade



In the year 1212 it is believed that a group of children left France to march to regain control of the Holy Land by peacefully converting Muslims to Christianity. The children, it is believed, were sold into slavery.

Tonight there is another Children’s Crusade happening. Survivors of the Floridian shooting, where children were murdered in a massacre of the innocence are marching on, proverbially, Washington. The children are clear in what they want, they want to protect the lives of other children.


One problem with this and that is adults.


Congress is increasingly becoming a cess pit of self-interest, mistrust and corruption. After the Republican member of Congress and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot (not fatally) the news was awash with amazement as members of Congress from both parties were seen talking and embracing each other. What was going on? What is this ‘common human decency’? what place does it have in politics?


The facts of the Florida shooting are not known and people are speculating as to the mind of the person whom carried out the murder, the role of law enforcement, education and so forth. These are all deep and complex issues which will take years to be understood, if ever. However, this has not stopped the conspiracy theories. One of the leaders of the Children’s Crusade is just some kid who wants children to be protected. However, Right Wing media have attacked the child’s integrity calling him an FBI Plant, something which members of the Trump family have endorsed.


Trump himself has blamed the FBI saying that the Russian Investigation (wait, who mentioned this?) means that the kid could commit murder. The FBI is a massive organisation and having 100 agents, give or take, looking into possible corruption of the US political system by a country which has Gulags for homosexuals, tries to colonise its neighbours and threatens other countries with nuclear weapons aka not the kind of people you’d want to have for dinner, would not affect any other investigation and/or work.


The last US election was between two people whom have shown themselves to be self-serving nasty people whom only care about themselves. With the Koch funded new Republican Party Congress is mired by self-interest.


The Left, by default, blame the guns and look to ban certain hand grips and blah blah blah ignoring that the President who passed the most laws to protect gun owners in terms of background checks, gun trafficking, guns in public, assault weapons ban and gun lobbying was Obama. If anything, Obama can be seen to be the best friend the NRA have ever had, not only did he pass laws to protect them but also saying ‘Obama is coming for your guns!’ is the biggest fundraiser for the RNC (Republican National Committee).


So here we have a Democratic Party who has protected more gun laws than any other party, a President who is only concerned with alleged Russian collusion (I and 99.7% of the world do not know the truth on this. Mueller is well respected so let him do his job and if he says yay or nay accept what he says and move on- of course it is more nuanced than that and of course, as we have seen in the last year, people don’t move on), a Congress which serves special interests and a few children who are being demonised for surviving a shooting and trying to prevent it happening again.


Support the children tonight.


‘till next time (which seems inevitable)      

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