The Appeasement Of Dictators



Just a quick note on the events of last night where Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un signed an agreement. Kim is dictator who is responsible for the deaths of millions of people. He, and his family, have long yearned for such a media event as yesterday and no world leader, sitting US president or not, has consented with what can only be seen as the validation of a small dictator, a nasty piece of work. If you wish to know the real Kim, read Park Yeon-mi’s memoir of escaping North Korea at 13 to be made a prostitute in China, even though she was only 13 (a quite excellent book, although heart-breaking).


This ‘historic’ signing can only draw parallels with another such ‘historic’ signing, that is the Munich Agreement (see below) in which the world leaders (UK etc) appeased Adolf Hitler and his annexation of Czechoslovakia and we all know how well that ended. I am not saying that it will be the same but once China backed North Korea starts trying to annex South Korea or other regions, I can only see one plausible outcome and that is either another accord or the beginning of another potential world war.


‘Munich Agreement, (September 30, 1938), settlement reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that permitted German annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia. After his success in absorbing Austria into Germany proper in March 1938, Adolf Hitler looked covetously at Czechoslovakia, where about three million people in the Sudeten area were of German origin. It became known in May 1938 that Hitler and his generals were drawing up a plan for the occupation of Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovaks were relying on military assistance from France, with which they had an alliance. The Soviet Union also had a treaty with Czechoslovakia, and it indicated willingness to cooperate with France and Great Britain if they decided to come to Czechoslovakia’s defense, but the Soviet Union and its potential services were ignored throughout the crisis.’ (  


‘till next time, if we are still here….  

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