A Quick Note On The Kavanaugh Hearing

I’m currently watching the Judge Kavanaugh hearings and it is beyond bizarre. Judge Kavanaugh is Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court and Christine Blasey Ford is a lady whom Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted when he was 17, although the Republicans are not willing to let the FBI investigate the claims or let a witness testify. Ms Ford has just given a wonderful, earning praise from both sides of the isle, performance in recounting her testimony, even if the lady asking the questions seemed obsessed with trying to prove it was a Democratic conspiracy. Senator Graham seems hell bent on proving that Ms Ford is a liar, a Senator who is very dependent on Trump to support his re-election.


Mr Kavanaugh is yet to testify so it would be premature to judge the outcome, but three things have already been shown. 1) Women are united, in general, as are most fair minded people, so, as a general rule, there might be a stronger stance against sexual assault, one good step would be not televising the hearings in a public forum, 2) If Senator Lindsey Graham was to step on a rusty nail I’d hope his insurance tears up his policy so he can’t be treated and 3) It seems that the heroic struggle in overcoming sexual assault and testifying in public is nothing compared with the struggle to overcome being privileged and entrenched in views in which human life is deemed less than one’s prejudices.


I have no idea how this will turn out, and I hold little hope (Ms Ford has already received many death threats and had to leave her family home to hide)  but I can only hope that justice is done, after all that is what the Supreme Court is supposed to be about…


‘till next time

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