Race and Revisionist Politics



(Caption: I demand an end to anything i don’t like, whether i understand it or not, it is my right)

Ever since President Trump was elected Democrats have been trying to find a way of removing him. Given his blatant lying (he does), working with WikiLeaks and Russia to get ‘dirt’ (he did) Junior Congress folk have been talking about impeachment whilst the senior members (Pelosi) talk about policy. Whether or not President Trump has done enough to be impeached is irrelevant as with a Republican controlled Senate for the next two years assured impeachment would never go through. Whilst this has been happening one of 22 Democrats running for President, Joe Biden, has been staying under the radar. With his political comments directed at President Trump on policy he is essentially saying to the democratic field, you can eat your babies if you want to but I’ll leave you in your sandbox and focus on the real prize- becoming president (for the record, my ticket would be Joe Biden/Kamala Harris). Naturally, the spurned democrats are attacking probably their best chance of winning due to historical events- events taken completely out of context. In 1994 President Clinton passed the’ The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, H.R. 3355, Pub.L. 103–322’ (crime bill). The bill reduced crime and resulted in mass incarnation. Most people, you assume, would look at this and say fewer criminals= less crime but, as with most issues, liberals look at skin colour before deciding how they feel. The crime bill (which Clinton apologised for when campaigning for Hillary who, herself, apologised for voting for the Iraq War) meant that more (in relative terms) blacks went to prison than whites. Naturally the reaction should be that criminals are criminals regardless of skin colour and not having people selling drugs to kids and shooting people is good, the reaction was, predictably, that Mr Biden is racist. Whilst we can say that mandatory minimums are racist- the sentence for powder cocaine less than crack which more blacks use, statistically, we cannot blame Mr Biden for someone selling drugs or committing murder and to do so is beyond absurd. The facts are that there were some very problematic areas of America and by passing a bill, criminals went to prison meaning that there was less crime. Yet black people cannot protect themselves and cannot be held accountable for their actions as they are incapable and to treat them like any other criminal is just racist, isn’t that correct liberal Intelligentsia?

The ink from this scandal of protecting communities from crime was hardly dry when Mr Biden was once again hit by the left. Mr Biden said that when he was younger, he worked with people (other Democrats) who were pro-slavery. Why did he work with them? Because he was a professional who was putting his dislike of a person to one side to do what is best for the whole, something McConnell, Schumer et al could really learn from, yet all liberals saw was the word ‘slave’ which to them meant ‘black’ and, of course, they were offended that Mr Biden spoke to a person with a different opinion to them and thusly Mr Biden must be the enemy.

I am a liberal by nature, I believe that government should make sure all people can have health care, education and security yet now to be a liberal I must feel smug and superior to everyone else, hate people who think differently to me and believe their attempts at rewrite history, ala, Orwell and realise that women are inferior to men which is why everything must be made equal (even language- history? Oo no, no, Herstory- ah much better, that readdressed the gender divide, why not just say history using the original etymology of ‘late Middle English (also as a verb): via Latin from Greek historia ‘finding out, narrative, history’, from histōr ‘learned, wise man’, from an Indo-European root shared by wit’), that other people cannot pull themselves up by their bootstraps if I don’t help them and I must feel outraged on the behalf of anyone who is slighted for they are defenceless without me, I have to resent anyone who works hard and is successful (in our culture success, unfortunately, equates to economics- I personally dislike Apple, not because they are successful, not because their products are inferior (I wouldn’t know) but because of its exclusivity- you can only use Apple tools to open Apple products, you can only use Apple software, you cannot ‘build your own’ etc.). The sooner the Democratic party, and liberals all over the world, return to the notion that all are equal in the eyes of the law and human rights and fight for those who genuinely need it, not focusing on superficial battles, the sooner we can start to readdress some of the serious problems tearing the world apart, the sooner we can bring about  things such as a crime bill which makes the streets safe for people to walk at night and for people to grow away from the influence of criminals and those others who spit on the very notions which we liberals claim to uphold.


‘till next time


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