Acceptable Slavery: Humans and Animals



It has been often written that the defining relationship between everyone in the world is that of master and slave. Stemming, presumably, from a massive inferiority complex which many in the world seem to suffer from, it is the goal of many to subjugate others to, not only aid, but to glorify them in life and in death (compare the lavish tombs of kings and queens to the pits the Nazi’s filled).


For the longest time, in the West, the hierarchical structure has been


White men

White women

Black men

Black women


And this was/is accepted as being a normal state. Quite rightly people have/are questioned this, and hopefully it will change, but the change must come from a collective realisation and not from a few weeks of chaos. One of the most tragic elements of this is that the victim often goes/stays in the position willingly, the slaves singing as their backs are whipped, and make no attempt to free themselves. Indeed, after slavery was abolished in the US, many slaves stayed with their former masters (now with recompense) as they were used to that way of life. Indeed, when in Tolstoy’s War and Pace, Prince Andrew mocks Pierre’s desire to have his surfs (sorta slaves) build schools and churches to educate themselves and find the acceptable notion of God (as though the surfs don’t already have their own notion of God):


‘You talk of schools,” he went on, crooking a finger, “education and so forth; that is, you want to raise him” (pointing to a peasant who passed by them taking off his cap) “from his animal condition and awaken in him spiritual needs’


Going on to suggest that what they (the surfs) do is all they want to do, a problematic notion in itself as if they don’t know differently, how can they want other?


Although these bonds may not seem obvious, they, sadly, appear to be there. If, for example, black people in America united (as Dr. King hoped) and ask for equality, through weight of numbers (physically and in elections) a change would have to come. However, if one listens to rap music it is full of black men ‘bragging’ about how they can dominate over other black men and over black women. Whist I’m sure going to clubs, mistreating women, selling drugs to children and killing their friends is something to be proud of, it just reinforces the stereotype that blacks have of being inferior and of whites that black are just animals.


If all is equal, then the hierarchical structure will become


Black/white/brown/etc men/women/etc


Yet you may have noticed a line I left of previously


White men

White women

Black men

Black women



The relationship between humans and animals has always been very interesting. The thought is that, as is stated in Genesis (no, not Phil Collins…), humans have dominion over animals and that animals need us. If one was to look at the history of anthropology, then one would see a very different picture. Whilst animals (such as canines) lived in familial groups and supported each other, humans struggled to survive. It was found that dogs, for example, had an excellent ability to track, a quality humans lack, and thusly were brought into the world of humans. Whether consciously or unconsciously (probably a bit of both with a large dollop of ignorance) the humans gave themselves mastery over nature and by the building of fences and through punishment (classical conditioning whilst Pavlov’s family tree was probably still a seed). Not only did they imprison the body of the animal, but they also imprisoned the spirit and soul of the animal. Suddenly the animal became anthropomorphised and, as with the gods we created, we put our worst qualities into animals. Instead of being true to their own nature, the animals started to conform, in the minds of humans and then in actuality, into the embodiment of human emotion and desires. A dog bites someone, it is cruel, not just following its nature but the human concept of cruelty. In response to this ‘cruelty’, and in fear of it happening again, the dog is slaughtered. Ah, thank goodness humans aren’t as cruel as animals, eh!

Suddenly the most domesticated of all of God’s creatures had an alibi and scapegoat (pun intended) for its own bad behaviour.


‘ah, he beat his wife again, that’s famous people for you’

‘yes, it is sad, but a leopard cannot change its spots’

‘very true, wonder if he will match the set next time?’


Wait…on one hand you have the ‘skin’ of a leopard which cannot be changed any more than human skin colour can be changed- no matter what girls in Asia are told and sold (Michael Jackson aside…), nor, would I assume that leopards have the insecurities required to change their skin or even want to, yet the bad behaviour has nothing to do with innate aspects, such as skin colour, it is about behaviour and by excusing bad behaviour as though it is an inherent aspect such as skin colour is to hide from reality behind the goat which will forever be associated with badness.


The relationship between humans and animals is created for one reason and one reason only, no matter how much we kid ourselves (get the pun?). Humans ‘enslaved’ animals and passed on our worst qualities through behavioural changes and reputation because, *whisper* we need them. They don’t need us, we need them.


Animals evoke in us the desires and dreams which we lack. Dogs are kind and loyal, full of love. Animals are free and adventurous, not held back from their natures by inhibitions. The literature (fictional and non) suggests that with all creatures, animals thrive best in their natural habitat, and that is not as a slave to humans. From Ancient Egypt to Native Americans to modern India, animals have had a place amongst the gods as they were recognised for what they are- superior to humans. They are the muses that inspire the best in us, but we lack the courage to embrace what they teach.


I’ll leave you now and, as with Kerouac, I’ll jump onto that Greyhound bus and follow my own nature into adventure and excitement. Who knows? I may even find a better, more honest, version of myself.  See you down the road!


‘till next time




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